The group, as a responsible member of the global supply chain, has identified the “supply chain” as a material issue and is working to strengthen supply chain management. Our goal is to achieve both a stable supply of raw materials and products and responsible procurement at an even higher level. We recognize the need to address social, human rights, and environmental issues, not only within the group but throughout the supply chain in order to realize “responsible procurement.” In June 2024, we formulated the Japan Pulp & Paper Group’s Approach to Sustainable Procurement. We plan to conduct assessments and monitor the supply chain based on this approach.
[Related link]
We are strengthening our relationships of trust with suppliers to ensure a stable supply of raw materials and products. In addition, we share our stance on human rights and environmental issues with suppliers and are promoting responsible procurement by considering social and environmental risks when procuring raw materials and products.
We believe that respect for human rights should be the
standard of conduct for all individuals and conducts our
business activities based on the Japan Pulp & Paper Group
Human Rights Policy. This policy outlines our commitment
to respecting the human rights of all individuals involved in
our business and our intent to contribute to the realization
of a sustainable society.
The Japan Pulp & Paper Group Human Rights Policy
applies to all executives and employees (including contract,
temporary, and part-time workers), and we seek the
support of all business partners, including customers and
other companies within the supply chain.
In January 2023, we signed the United Nations Global
Compact. We are promoting initiatives in line with the 10
principles of the compact in the four areas of human rights,
labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. We issue
newsletters through the OVOL Sustainability Promotion
Meetings, distribute a compliance handbook, and provide
training on business and human rights to group executives
and employees. Going forward, we will continue to conduct
human rights due diligence to identify human rights risks
and address issues for both the group as well as suppliers
and other companies. We will also establish a grievance
mechanism to help remedy human rights violations.
[Related link]