The group has identified four themes (the environment, society, employees, and governance) and 12 material issues and classified them as “internal and external factors that have a significant impact on achieving sustainable business activities that realize both economic and social value.” We have formulated a new action plan to achieve our goals and are working to promote sustainability.
Based on the evaluation items of major ESG ratings agencies and industry-specific material issues provided by the U.S. Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), we determined “ESG-related issues such as environmental and social issues that have a significant impact on the group’s sustainability and ability to create value” and looked at ways the group impacts stakeholders in the value chain. We then analyzed the degree of importance and identified possible material issues from the perspective of “priority items related to the group and its businesses that have a high level of impact on the environment and society.”
After narrowing down the possible material issues uncovered in “Step 1” from the standpoints of their importance and frequency, external experts, executives, and employees performed another evaluation from the perspectives of “ESG-related issues such as environmental and social issues that have a significant impact on the group’s sustainability and ability to create value,” and “priority items related to the group and its businesses that have a high level of impact on the environment and society.”
Based on the evaluation conducted in Step 2, and in order to realize sustainable business activities for the group, management held discussions 12 times to identify material issues based on the Charter of Corporate Behavior and OVOL Medium-term Business Plan 2023. As a result, we identified four themes and 12 material issues as internal and external factors that have a significant impact on achieving sustainable business activities that realize both economic and social value. After approval by the Executive Sustainability Committee, a resolution on material issues was passed by the Board of Directors.