The Japan Pulp & Paper Group recognizes that IT is essential for executing our business strategies, while also acknowledging that there are various risks associated with IT. We therefore strive to appropriately operate and manage our information systems.
We will develop IT strategies necessary to implement the Japan Pulp & Paper Group's management strategy, and create investment plans and operation plans based on those strategies.
We will establish the organizational IT structure needed to achieve our IT strategy; hire and train personnel, and assign them to the most appropriate positions after clarifying the necessary competencies.
We will properly identify IT-related assets such as hardware and software used in business activities, and configure systems to optimize IT usage.
We will establish rules and regulations to ensure stable and secure IT operations, and will perform appropriate management and maintenance of such operations.
For the purpose of conducting daily business and maintaining stable IT operations, we will implement security measures to protect against cyber-attacks from outside or unauthorized use from within the organization. In addition, all executives and employees who are involved in IT shall be informed of such rules and regulations as security measures.
We will appropriately review the related IT environment and information systems upon evaluating changes in the external environment, strategies, and plans, and their impact on business activities.
When outsourcing IT operations to an external contractor, we will evaluate the content of the outsourced operations, competency of the contractor, and the quality of services provided by that contractor.
To cope with information system failure or disaster, we will formulate recovery process and recurrence prevention measures to minimize the impact on IT usage and to ensure business continuity. We will also continuously maintain and improve our counter measures.
To ensure the appropriate operation and management of our information systems, we will promote IT control activities in accordance with our Group IT Governance Policy as well as related company regulations, evaluate their effectiveness, and continue to maintain and improve such activities.
In addition to formulating this policy, all executives and employees of the Japan Pulp & Paper Group (including fixed-term, contract, dispatched, part-time, and temporary employees/workers) shall be informed of this policy, and shall promote activities to maintain and improve IT governance to achieve appropriate use and management of IT.
Akihiko Watanabe
President & CEO
Japan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.
Effective January 1st, 2025