The Japan Pulp & Paper Group recognizes that securing information assets, which form the foundation of our business activities, is one of the most important management challenges. We aim to protect our information assets from information leaks, cyber-attacks, and other threats while also ensuring the trust of our stakeholders.
We will comply with laws and regulations related to information security, rules imposed by industry associations, various internal regulations and contracts (hereinafter referred to as "laws and regulations, etc.").
In order to appropriately implement information security measures, we will establish an information security management framework, and clarify authorities and responsibilities related to information security.
We will strive to raise awareness of information security by providing all executives and employees with ongoing education and training related to information security.
In response to changes in the external environment and changes in strategies and plans related to information systems, we will periodically review and improve regulations and management structures related to information security. In addition, based on the Japan Pulp & Paper Group IT Governance Policy, we will carry out continuous efforts to maintain and improve IT controls over information security.
In the event of violation of laws and regulations, etc., information leakage, tampering, data loss, or any other incident related to information security, we will make every effort to minimize the damage, promptly and appropriately respond to the incident, and strive to prevent recurrence.
In addition to formulating this policy, all executives and employees of the Japan Pulp & Paper Group (including fixed-term, contract, dispatched, part-time, and temporary employees/workers) shall be informed of this policy, and shall maintain and improve the information security framework.
Akihiko Watanabe
President & CEO
Japan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.
Effective January 1st, 2025