Japan Pulp & Paper has an environmental management system based on ISO 14001, an international standard for environmental management. We work continuously to reduce our environmental impact and protect the global environment through our business activities.
11 group companies in Japan and 3 companies outside of Japan have now obtained ISO 14001 certification.
We conduct environment-related education and training to promote understanding and deepen awareness among executives and employees, and to ensure that they proactively promote sustainable management.
Examples of ongoing educational activities include ISO training and seminars on waste. In addition, employees from group companies participate in OVOL Sustainability Promotion Meetings and OVOL Environment & Safety Meetings. These organizations serve as forums for sharing sustainability-related data and information on revisions to laws; promoting efforts aimed at decarbonization; strengthening environmental and safety management; giving updates on social contribution activities; compiling and analyzing ESG-related data; and conducting sustainability-related education. In fiscal 2022, we held three seminars on the value of paper and sustainability.